How Much Hair Fall is Normal in a Day?

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Many readers of this website are confused between normal hair fall and serious hair loss. Some readers asked us- How much hair fall is normal in a day? When should they start the treatment for hair loss?

Almost 40% of women face hair fall at the age of 40’s. The percentage is higher in men (60%) because of DHT hormones and other reasons.

So, in this guide, we shall try to clear all your doubts about normal hair loss and serious hair loss.

How much hair fall is normal in a day?

Hair Loss in women

The American Academy of Dermatologists states that, 50 to 100 strands of hair fall is considered normal. So, if you are losing 50-100 hair in a day, then you don’t need to worry.

There are more than 100,000 hair follicles present on your scalp. Hence, the small amount of hair fall doesn’t make a big difference. However, you can review your diet to minimize the hair fall.

What is the life cycle of hair?

The average life cycle of hair varies between two to five years. Once the hair strand completes its cycle, it loosens from your follicles. That’s why people notice hair fall on their pillow or in the shower.

In current eras, lots of factors contribute to hair fall. For example; stress, hair styling products, hormonal imbalance, poor diet, medical conditions, etc., are some common causes of premature hair fall.

How to get healthy hair?

Healthy hair is a dream of everyone but you may need to put in significant effort to achieve it. There are many things that you need to do in order to get healthy hair.

Here are a few common things that help you to get healthy hair strands. I’m listing the 5 most important tips:

  1. Eat Vitamin-rich (Biotin) healthy diet.
  2. Work on stress management.
  3. Regular washing of hair.
  4. Avoid chemical-based shampoo and conditioners.
  5. Stop the use of hair styling products.

Final Verdict

So, here’s end of the article. I hope you understand how much daily hair fall is normal. I have also mentioned 5 hair care tips to get healthy hair. You must overview your diet and make sure you’re eating enough Biotin, Vitamin E, Vitamin B, Iron, and Zinc everyday. I have already published an article of best sources of Biotin for hair. I hope this helps. I wish your hair fall stops soon.

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